Cheap DIY Truck Bed Sleeping Platform

Simple DIY Truck Bed Sleeping Platform for 2nd & 3rd Gen Tacoma

Step-By-Step For Building A Simple Sleeping Area For Camping

Since purchasing a SnugTop for my 3rd Gen TRD Sport, I have been working in my free time to build and refine my camping setup. My first project was to build a basic bed platform that was straightforward to make and easy to remove since I knew there would be times when I’d want to be able to utilize the full space of the bed.

After researching online and a little bit of problem-solving, I found the setup that has worked best for me. With limited knowledge on how to build camping systems and access to only basic tools, I built this platform that anyone can make with a few supplies and a free afternoon. The process is very simple and can be a great use for scrap wood you might have laying around.

Check out what you’d need for this build and how to go about assembling it below.

Tools & Materials

  • Circular Saw (or any saw available)
  • 3/4” Plywood 4’ x 8’
  • 2 in. x 6in. x 10 ft. Plank

Looking For Something Pre-Built?

Step 1. Measure & Mark

Materials for DIY Sleeping Platform Guide

Once you purchase your plywood and 2” x 6” plank, you then have to measure and mark them up to fit in the bed. My measurements for the two pieces of plywood ended up being 60” x 28.5” and the two planks were 57” long.

It doesn’t have to be perfect but you’ll want the wood to fit in the bed as snugly as possible without being too big. Don’t forget that my measurements are from my 3rd Gen short bed, so it may be different for a 2nd Gen and will definitely not fit a long bed lengthwise.

Remember to double-check your measurements and draw the cutting lines using some sort of straight edge.

Step 2. Cut Planks

Cutting Materials for Homemade Truck Bed Sleeping Platform

Using the saw, cut 2 pieces from the 2″ x 6″ plank to the length you measured. These will go across the bed into the grooves located along the walls and act as the supports for your platform.

You want to make them as long as possible while still being able to sit in those grooves.

Step 3. Cut Plywood

Cutting Plywood to Size for Truck Bed

As with the planks, cut the plywood according to your desired measurements. The reason I chose to make them into two pieces was for ease of installing/removing them.

These will sit on top of the 2″ x 6″ crossbars and act as the platform on which you could put a sleeping pad, sleeping bag, etc. Note that you will have to cut notches on the rear corners of the plywood because the corners of the bed are slanted.

Step 4. Install

Step-By-Step How To Guide for DIY Sleeping Platform

Now that the wood has been cut to size, you can place the planks into the grooves on the edges of the bed and put your plywood on top to complete the platform. Make small trims if a piece seems to be too large.

Finished Shots

3rd Gen Tacoma with DIY Bed Platform

Sleeping Platform for Truck Camping

Ultimate & Easy DIY Camper Bed Sleeping Platform

Additional Notes

Cheap DIY Truck Bed Sleeping Platform for Toyota Tacoma

For me, this platform works great but it is definitely not going to be ideal for everyone. Especially for those who have a short bed and are tall, you might find it difficult to fit in the back.

I am about 5’11″ and sleeping diagonally, I just barely fit. Also, being a lighter guy, I don’t have an issue with this simple setup supporting me, but for bigger folks who don’t trust the simple crossbar design, it might be worth figuring out a way to add extra support somewhere in the middle.

DIY Minimalist Truck Shell Bed Sleeping Platform

Although I have left my platform as is, I have seen a lot of people try different things to improve the setup. The most common of these is to lay some cheap carpet over the plywood to make it look a little more professional. With this option, you can give the platform some TLC with a fresh carpet when it inevitably gets dirty.

Another way to refine this setup could be to add some sort of system to keep the wood in place. Occasionally when I have nothing on top of the platform and I hit a speed bump, I’ll hear everything shift. Of course, I open my camper shell later to see some pieces jumbled around.

Truck Bed Camping Setup for 3rd Gen Toyota Tacoma

There are countless ways to improve or change up this simple design but considering how cheap and easy it was to build this, I have zero complaints. It’s also good to note that this setup won’t interfere with most bed stiffeners.

Many camping and overlanding builds end up costing tons of money which can make it intimidating or daunting to get into. That’s why I really enjoy this platform build because as long as you have some sort of overhead cover above the bed, you can get creative and build a really solid setup, affordably.

Final Thoughts

Removable Truck Bed Sleeping Platform - Toyota Tacoma

All in all, I am pretty stoked about my platform build. I definitely foresee many changes and improvements along the way but for the time being, it has been useful and sturdy. I would recommend doing this build for a lot of Tacoma owners.

From people wanting to dial in their camping setup to those who want more organized storage, or even people who just have a free afternoon and want to use some scrap wood they have laying around.

Complete DIY Bed Sleeping Platform Guide

This post is very much a starting point meant to either get you out there and camping quickly or to help get the ideas flowing for a more intricate project. So get to building and start exploring!

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Bo Rasor
1 month ago

Hey thanks for the inspiration I ended up making something similar to the band beds going off of your idea but then through my own twist on it so it all kind of worked out in the end and didn’t even spend $100 super stoked so thank you!!

Joel Roque
Joel Roque
1 year ago

What mattress topper is this? Can’t find anything that will fit the platform on a short bed

2 months ago
Reply to  Joel Roque

Cut to fit

Patrick Iverson
Patrick Iverson
2 years ago

What bed stiffeners are those? They seem to fit nicely with this setup.

Patrick Iverson
Patrick Iverson
2 years ago

Do the plywood platforms only sit on the cross braces, or do they also rest on the short ledge on either side of the bed?

3 years ago

Checkout the modular Toyota Tacoma Bamboo sleeping platform at Handmade in the USA. It works best with a trifold 4″ mattress topper. No tools required. Install and Remove in under a minute. It lets you maximize the space and flexibility of your truck bed so you can pack for any trip without running into unnecessary space limitations. Demonstration Video Link

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

Only $500 lol

1 year ago
Reply to  Nunya

There are some people out there that will want to DIY this to save money and I completely understand that. Some people value their time less than others or just genuinely enjoy working with wood, myself included. If you want to build it yourself you’ll need two 4×8′ sheets of .75″ plywood. You can use a cheaper grade than what I use but you’ll face warping issues and delamination over time due to moisture exposure. I use Baltic Birch which has waterproof glue which prevents delamination and will hold up even in moist conditions for decades. Each board is approximately… Read more »

3 years ago

Is that just a 4” mattress topper/foam pad you’re placing on top?

3 years ago

Do you have any measurements for the corner notches you could share?

3 years ago
Reply to  Davis

I don’t fully remember but I want to say it was around 4-6″ long. You could either make a template out of cardboard and trace that on the plywood or just cut little by little until it fits well.

3 years ago

did you make this with one sheet of plywood?
either I’m stupid or these dimensions wouldn’t work on one 4×8.

Last edited 3 years ago by Charlie
3 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

You’ll need more than one 4×8

4 years ago

I know several folks who have a similar setup. We choose a RTT for additional room in the truck bed. But this is an excellent alternative and a great how to article.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tuck

Glad we could help. I personally run a hardshell RTT but this is a great option.

4 years ago

I’ve had this in my truck for three years, works great. I originally had it as a sleeping platform, it’s now the “floor” as I have a GoFast Camper. I covered mine in carpet which makes it nicer to stand in barefoot, and it’s great to be able to slide skis/bins/other wet dirty stuff underneath and keep the inside area clean and dry. Also, helps make it easier to jump up into the bed.

4 years ago
Reply to  PNW

Now that’s using your head. Cool to see people finding utility, even when they upgrade.

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